Do moments from your past rule your present thoughts and feelings?

Are you holding back or playing small?


Do you lose your identity in relationships or in your career?

Whatever it was that led you here, I’m so glad you showed up! It means you’re also starting to feel the draw to “showing up” more for yourself in your life, and that takes incredible courage.

Playing small stops you from aligning with your divine identity and living the full and ecstatic life OF JOY AND CREATION you are meant to live.

Your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs shape your reality

Living a life of radical sovereignty is an internal process of releasing the echoes of past wounding that get in the way of self-love, releasing these denser, discordant frequencies from the energetic body, and balancing the inner masculine and feminine energies so that life flows fluidly from inspiration to inspired action and back again - all from a place of EMBODIED IDENTITY AND ALIGNMENT.


I remember what it was like to still beasleep…”

… to live a fragmented life. To be aware of the limitations I created for myself as a response to trauma or emotionally-overwhelming experiences - unworthiness, fear, unhealthy boundaries, shame, perfectionism - but not know what to do with that awareness.

I also know what it’s like to finally transcend these stories and to excavate the DIVINE ME that was buried underneath.

Years from now, I want to look back and say I helped encourage a conscious, inclusive, and spiritually-literate community that celebrates embodied leadership, passionate play, and radical presence as part of living a life that feels TURNED ON - in joy and sacred purpose - every day.

sunrise over a grassy field on a misty morning with a great tree in the foreground

Are you ready for your personal hero’s journey?

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