Sharon Scott Sharon Scott


The Edge: Where your desire for a more pleasurable life meets your fear—or judgment—about slowing down or indulging in joy.

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Sharon Scott Sharon Scott


The Edge: Where your desire for impact meets your fear—or judgment—about being seen and stepping into your power.

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Sharon Scott Sharon Scott

The Frequencies We Live By: Guilt vs. Desire as Fuel for Life

Most of us are conditioned from childhood to move through life powered by guilt. If we don’t, we’re told we are selfish, irresponsible, or unloving. Guilt whispers (or shouts) that we must do, give, and sacrifice—otherwise, we are not enough. This programming is so deep that we often don’t even realize we are running on it. It’s glamorized as “being a good person” or “doing the right thing.”

But guilt is a frequency of contraction. It pulls energy inward, like a vacuum of unworthiness. It creates actions that, no matter how well-intended, carry an undertone of lack, obligation, or self-punishment.

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Sharon Scott Sharon Scott

The Edge: Where Desire Meets Fear

Manifestation isn’t something you turn on and off.

Every moment of every day, you are manifesting, and your reality isn't shaped by what you want or even what you need; it's shaped by who you believe you are.

This reality operates at 100% all the time, reflecting the totality of your energy, beliefs, and identity. If you see yourself as someone who is always struggling, your reality will align to reinforce that story. If you identify as someone worthy of abundance, the universe will reflect that, too.

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I was featured on The Real Life Fables Podcast. Listen to the episode right here, or visit their SoundCloud page here.